If at any time an author can bring out emotions in a reader, they are a success. If they can draw in a reader to feel engaged in the journey of their new book friends, they earn more respect. If an author can leave a reader feeling intrigued, inspired, and even offer healing, they’ve gained a bibliophile fanatic for life. - Shani K. - The Chronicles of an Abibliophobiac.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Review: "Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Bitten #2)" By C.C. Wood

I have officially read this book 5 times in the last year alone! I fell in love with these characters when they were introduced by C.C. in Bite Me, the first book in the series. I felt a draw to Ivy right away as she had gone through this huge ordeal and braved her way through the aftermath. She's the epitome of a Survivor! I have to give many kudos to C.C. for embracing Ivy's reactions, feelings and battle. Because regardless if its a paranormal setting in my opinion, Ivy's possible PTSD (in my totally uneducated, totally unsolicited diagnosis!) is very real and brings awareness.

Ivy may be timid but she has an inner strength that shows in her abilities! Lex helps to bring that out of her too and if it wasn't for him and his presence she would not have made it through things as much. Oh and it totally helps that Lex has to be the hottest male character in the whole series! Good Lorttttttttttt I love that man! His Kink and overall prowess is just to freaking perfect for Ivy. he is old by vampire standards and where you would expect for him to be so old school, he's really not. He has a deep rooted sincerity along with wisdom that adds to his already complex nature.

Their story and journey together is a very emotional, thrilling, sexy, scary, heart stopping and never with out a good twist!!!!! If you haven't read any of the other books in the series yet, it's a must! Seriously, this is my second favorite paranormal series of all time. C.C. has just a creative flare to her writing and allows her characters to speak, act and entertain all on there own with little effort and a whole lot of intrigue! C.C. my friend, you are a mastermind and phenomenal story teller!

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