If at any time an author can bring out emotions in a reader, they are a success. If they can draw in a reader to feel engaged in the journey of their new book friends, they earn more respect. If an author can leave a reader feeling intrigued, inspired, and even offer healing, they’ve gained a bibliophile fanatic for life. - Shani K. - The Chronicles of an Abibliophobiac.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Review: "Fear the Heart" by Hettie Ivers

(Links after the review!)

I should start out with a warning or two, or even five!

* This is the second book in the Werelock Evolution series. You really SHOULD read the first one, “Slip of Fate” first! These are meant to be read in order. If you don’t, you’ll regret it. Trust me!

* These are not for the faint at heart. They are paranormal and erotica. This one has a substantial amount of heat, steam and ok, maybe combustion? 

* You will become addicted to the story and crush on the characters. I fully admit it, I think about them every day at some point. It doesn’t help though that a few of my werelock stalkers enjoy posting about them and pics every day on facebook!

* This is a heavy story for some. It’s a lot of information to take in, but so worth it.

Now that I’ve sufficiently warned everyone, on to my review!
The story picks right up where Hettie left us hanging at the end of book 1. Thank heavens she did! Milena has had a rough few months. She has lost everyone she loves, dealt with more responsibility than any other 18 year old she knows and thrown into the fire so to speak after making a long journey to find her brother. But instead of some things getting easier, they go in quite opposite directions!

She’s finding out the truth about her brother Raul and where he has been all of these years. The fact that he was involved with the very man she loves/likes/hates makes it all even more confusing. My heart hurt for her as she is smacked in the heart with the truth of where she comes from and who she truly is. There is no reaction time that sets in. She has to take it and sort it later as chaos is going to flood through their paths. In this case they better be wearing hip waders to stay dry!

Since Alcaeus has been around forever and a day, he’s able to tell the stories of his family history and where he had met the Salvatella Pack long before. But of course with Alcaeus, it’s a grand production! I mean, he is so theatrical and all. Of course that feeds another river of chaos and another and another….

Milena struggles to come to terms with all this information. How can any of this be true? She feels betrayed by the people whom she thought loved her. Instead she’s not sure who to trust or where to turn. The one person she does trust is Lupe. Lupe can offer her insight where the others can. I LOVE Lupe! She’s a part of the story as it goes on and one that is sure to be amazing.

You know, it’s not just enough to wade through the river of torment, family history, lies and death. As Milena says, “destiny is an asshole.”, and destiny proves it. Suddenly as she is comes into her new/old wolf self, she has this insatiable craving for the smell, taste and touch of magical flesh. Her she wolf is ready to join the parade. She won’t be denied and neither will Milena. No, she’s not wanting to eat a bunch of animals or rare steak here guys. Jeesh, this isn’t a horror book! Just kidding! I’ll leave it to your imagination and your wandering self as you get closer to the gutter!

From there, Milena fights everything. Herself, her desire for many things, her past, those around her and even the memory of her mother and brother. She is face to face with her brother at one point and begging him for information. She’s had some flashbacks of moments in her childhood and she wants the pieces put back together in the puzzle. His answers aren’t what she truly expects and she is surprised by his more aggressive attitude. Is what he says true? Can she trust Alex’s pack?

More and more information comes into play as they discover as a group more about Milena’s family and story. As the lines start to lose their blur, Milena and Alex learn more about each other. Alex tells her his true feelings and what that means to their kind. They have a lot of give and take in this book, a little different than the first. Alex is more in the forefront of the male characters. There is far more to him than the cocky, aggressive, dippy doo dah butthead he was in the first book. His kinder heart makes a few peeks through out the heavy clouds. It stirs up the storm in Milena’s soul and she’s forced to acknowledge if not accept some of her feelings. But in true fashion of their tumultuous relationship, Alex resorts to be an asshole again. All's not lost though!

The only negative I have is, I want to have all the information right now. No wait for the next book to come in the series. I want it right now! Like that t.v. commercial, I should just be hanging out the window yelling at Hettie, “I want my Werelocks and I want them now!”. Think she’ll go for that? Dang it, probably not huh?

With all joking aside, I really did love this book. It’s more intense, definitely sexier, crazy, emotionally charged and just awesome. I’m a sucker for a good paranormal book. But you throw one at me that has such an entertaining back story and hot sexy men, I’m looking! Hettie did a wonderful job picking up where the last one left off and keeping us on the proverbial leash to the very end of this one. Well done my friend, well done!

Because now, we all have to sit and wait for the end of summer and the next in the series! I highly suggest you go check out “Slip of Fate” first and then this book. I can promise you, you’ll never expect all the highs and lows. Don’t forget your hip waders because between the rivers of chaos and the storm that’s brewing, you don’t want to get soggy!

Thanks Hettie for the sensational read!

Authors Website: Hettie Ivers

Authors Amazon Page: Hettie Ivers

Authors GoodReads Page: Hettie Ivers

Authors Facebook Fan Page: Hettie Ivers

My GoodReads Review HERE

My Amazon Review *PENDING*


  1. Thank you, Shani! This is such an AWESOME review!! Truly appreciate all of your great vibes and enthusiasm for the story. :D
    XXOO Hettie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
